A Study in Jihadist Delusion and Mental Illness

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A entry, on a jihadist website, shows that they are all upset over US politics. Upset because of Barak Obama’s ridiculous Jr. politician comment over Pakistan. And upset in a big way, because Tom Tancredo said that if he were president and Islam attacked us with a nuclear weapon…then he as President would attack Mecca and Medina. Tancredo said, “That is the only thing, that I could come up with that might deter, somebody from doing something, that they might otherwise do.”


So the jihadist takes it out on the Muslims of America, by saying–


“I am amazed by the extreme stupidity of “Muslims” who vote for the Kufar. So when I see the likes of theses dirty Kuffaar (may Allah kill them all), we simply just ask ourselves in great confusion: How is it that a “Muslim” still votes for these disbelievers?


They might respond, “Well, their policy on this-and-that is better than so-and-so…” These hypocritical sellouts don’t realize – since they don’t have a brain to realize with in the first place – that as for the Kuffaar who don’t say anti-Islamic statements in public, they will end up doing something against the Muslims physically.


Bush wasn’t making these ridiculously anti-Islamic statements when running for presidency. So the blind Muslims voted for him thinking that he would “benefit” Islam and the Muslims; and they would give a million excuses to vote for him. But look what he did!! He’s the leader of this Crusade against Islam and the Muslims and is responsible for the murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent Muslims and he has invaded our lands and stolen our wealth and properties.


So it amazes us how the Murji’ah vote for these Kaafir leaders to be their Khaleefah when they have seen many examples where these Kaafir politicians would turn out to be the greatest enemies of Islam in the current age, such as “silly billy clinton” (Qatalahummullaah); and they wouldn’t even know it until it happened.


(“silly billy clinton” I love the name, but just what did Bill Clinton do against Islam, besides turning down Osama Bin Lyin, when he was offered to us by countries that did not want him.)


This is one of the reasons why voting is Haraam; and anyone who votes is a Faasiq (and other say Kaafir; and I don’t disagree).


By the way, if you ever see at you local Masjid or Islamic Community Gathering where they are passing out pamphlets regarding voting (or anything similar), then take all those papers from their hands – even if you have to struggle to get it out of their hands – and either tear them apart in front of them or throw them out. Then give them a good lesson on following this Deen firmly by sticking to the principles of al-Walaa’ wal Baraa’ah and staying away from Kufr and fighting it through every possible means.


These pathetic Murji’ah need to be treated harshly when it comes to matters such as voting and supporting democracy since they refuse to look at these issues from the perspective of Qur’an and Sunnah strictly and traditionally. Ignore the House NegroScholars” that fail to stand up for the Haqq and its people.


Obviously, he has no concept of democracy and what elections are all about. On second thought, he does know what democracy is all about, that’s why he doesn’t want it. Tyranny never gets voted in voluntarily, or gets voted to stay in power voluntarily. No one wants to live under such a system.


When I asked him if Muslims were not allowed to vote. He said that it is only Allah’s rule that deserves to be to be law of the land. And voting for disbelievers by Muslims is strictly forbidden.


When I asked,…So any Muslim, in any country other than say Iran, which is a Islamic state, with Shariah law, is not allowed to vote? ….I got the following answer about Iran.


Eagle you claim that Iran is an Islamic State,

Why then is there a jew in the government?
What Islamic state allows the disbelievers to order the laws of Allah swt?
Why are there synagogues allowed in tehran but no sunni mosques?
Why are the sunnis oppressed and the jews left alone? Iran is no Islamic state, but the Brother (so-n-so) has illustrated this in prior posts.


So Iran is NOT, an Islamic state…What is then…


    “There is no Islamic State today.”
And Iran is a Shi’a state and we reject the Shi’as.

However, in ‘Iraq and Afghanistan, we have nascent Islamic State’s. In fact with ‘Iraq, many will argue that the areas that the Sunni’s control is an Islamic State that is under war. I agree with this opinion. The same is argued about Afghanistan. (TALIBAN)

If Iran is not,…. Hello, my Muslim friends…this is exactly the threat I am talking about. Listen to what this idiot is saying. It is either their way, or no way. What does that mean for all Shiites in the world?? We all see how they are treated in Iraq by the Sunni’s, and Al Qaeda, which is Sunni. Here’s a good one….

And even before 9/11, the United States was participating in a troop deployment with other nations to invade Afghanistan prior to 9/11.


Show me where?? No answer.


As far as Bush making anti-Islamic statements…the answer was…


Bush has spoken quite a lot against the establishment of a Caliphate; and he says that the goal of the “terrorists” is to establish one. Well, according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, this is our obligation undoubtedly. So we take it personally when he speaks against our religion. ((Isn’t that what they say they are trying to do?? )) ((contradiction, again…still…))


Nothing about the fact that President Bush was running for president BEFORE 9/11, so why would he make any statements about Islam.


And of coarse the ridiculous comment, that he is blind to…The fact that if 9/11 hadn’t happened then nothing would have happened in Afghanistan or Iraq.


So the biggest unanswered question, is how does he reach the conclusions he reaches. Can we assume there is a bit of mental illness involved?? When one becomes so overcome with hate that they cannot see the facts staring them in the face. That is the only conclusion I can reach.


It is a WARNING, to anyone, who so entrenches themselves in lies and hatred that it consumes them. They buy into, whatever, people of like minds come up with. Kind of like those who hate Jews so much that they truly believe that Jews drink the blood of Palestinian babies during some Holy holidays. Even if the truth is laid bare before them, they will not believe it.


It is this kind of thinking that caused 900 or so cultist to kill themselves with Jim Jones in Guyana. And it caused the “heavens gate” cult to think that if they killed themselves, they would catch a spaceship that was hiding behind a comet. Now THAT is delusional. And I think it is the same thing affecting our friend here. He speaks of his “brother” Muslims, and then disparages them. All Muslims in his mind are wrong unless they think the way he does.


Unfortunately, he is not alone. And if he has his way he will poison the mind of every single solitary Muslim to his way of thinking. And those who resist, he will call an apostate, and, he would attempt to kill you, if given the chance.


His blog gets a lot of traffic, and the people who go there sing his praises in the comment section. He normally erases mine, but I will share that with you in a different thread. He is a very angry man, and could care less about what anyone else thinks of him. He has told me this on more than one occasion.


I did ask him if he knew how many million people would die if his people were successful with setting off a nuclear bomb. And that Tancredo made the statement as a means of deterrence. I asked him what we should do short of turning the country over to him, and putting our women in burka’s. I told him that the thought of millions of men, women, and children dead, should make him mad. Not a statement of deterrence.


His response…


As for what America should do if it’s attacked by nuclear weapons (by the Mujaahideen), then come and find them and fight them. No need to create another Hiroshima (you damn terrorists!).


Now, please read that statement again….what do you notice?? More contradiction. Do I really have to point this out to you? More…”we can do what we want, but you can’t”. We can create another Hiroshima, but you are the terrorist, and cannot respond. This is standard fare. If it wasn’t so dangerous, it would be hysterically funny.


One other thing I noticed, they are afraid that their comments might cause someone to do the things they suggest, and then they will be sued. Very funny, they must be out of America, or the U.K. (based on some of the words he uses and how they are spelled) here is the disclaimer on the top of their blog. Their claims, in the disclaimer, are a complete and total lie. As you can see in my blog entry: “A Question of Righteousness”.


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