Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh magnify


Ok, I again am going to stray off of the current series for at least this one post.

 I just saw on TV, another commercial against Rush Limbaugh over his “phony soldier” comment. I don’t listen to Rush all the time, but I do know who he was talking about when he made that comment. A boot-camp WASHOUT, who claimed he had served in Iraq, and observed all kinds of ‘atrocities’ (must be a friend of John Kerry). Obviously the left would like nothing better than to silence conservative radio. They want to bring back the unfairness doctrine which is nothing more than denying free speech.

Nobody listens to liberal radio, that is why Air America went bust. The Dem’s found out during the controversy over illegal immigration, just how much pull conservative radio had. It was conservative radio who mobilized the American people, into contacting their elected representatives and express their opinion on the matter. It was one of the times when the nation as a whole agreed on the issue. Especially after they tried to give amnesty in secret.

Those elected leaders knew that the American people wouldn’t go for an amnesty. That is the only reason they tried to ‘back door’ the issue. They forgot themselves yet again, in the fact of WHO they work FOR. That’s another reason why we need term limits for the House and Senate. Too many of us don’t pay enough attention to politics. The politicians are so beholden to lobby money, and their own ego, that they throw our opinion right out the window.

In my humble opinion, the Democrats are the worse. They seem to think that we are too stupid to control our own money, so they want to decide for us, on how much of it we get to keep. They want all kinds of big government, and in so doing, it points out clearly that they don’t have our best interest in mind. Have any of you seen how many buildings Robert Byrd (D) has his name on in his state?? Trust me, its plenty, and they are all being paid for with our tax dollars. And what about that road to no where in Alaska. It’s OUR money, not yours, so stop spending it willy nilly, I don’t care what party you claim, its still our money.

They have given so many entitlements, that the middle class is tax poor. Why should people have incentive to get out there and work, if they can sit on their butt and get money to do so?? We would do better to offer free college tuition and do away with Welfare except for the most extreme cases. At least that way, people will have incentive to do the right thing. And I bet we would save money in the long run.

There was a time in my life that I worked 3 jobs, just to make ends meet. Then my son got sick, back then there was no insurance for kids whose parents couldn’t afford it. I was a single parent, I went to the State to get help. All I wanted was a medical card so I could get my kid his asthma inhalers, I mean this was life or death in his case. He could have an attack and without those inhalers, he could die. I was told that because I worked 3 jobs, I was border line destitute, and would have been better off destitute. In other words, I made too much money to qualify for a medical card. But they said, I could quit my jobs and stay at home till he reached 5 years old, and collect all benefits. Didn’t even have to look for work. At that time, no one was required to look for work, if a kid was under 5 years old . I know what your all thinking, what did I do…

I walked out of the welfare office, and I called my job, and I told them…I’d be in the next morning. I continued to work those 3 jobs, until I got one job that paid well enough that I could afford to pay for insurance. I made payments to the pharmacy, and no matter how much I owed, they still filled my son’s prescription. I did that, because it was the right thing to do. It isn’t my neighbors job to take care of me. It was my job to take care of and raise my child with the best of my knowledge and ability. Doing otherwise would only teach him to look for the hand out, instead of getting out there and doing it for himself.

It is our job as parents to teach our children that simple fact, and we should be doing it by example. I never regretted my decision to keep working. I wasn’t even tempted to take that hand out. I had been disgusted to see some of the big strong men that came into that office while I was there, wanting to know where their ‘check’ was. They should have said, “don’t know, better ask your employer”.

My property taxes are pretty high, my state has one of the highest property tax in the nation…but Shrillary Clinton would like for them to be higher with her free health care program. Even though nations who have socialized medicine are failing their own population. It is a known fact that people from those nations will come here to get medical treatment because they have to wait so long to get treatment in their own country. Should we help kids of parents who need the help?? Yes, and we already are, but it is getting beyond making sense to me anyway, on how they think we as a nation can afford all that they want to do. Heck, we can’t even fix/pay for, SSI, but you want socialized medicine.

The left is beholden to Move On and George Soro’s, who has used his millions to buy himself a President, and so far it seems to be working. Heck Shrillary even made the comment that she helped start Move On. All the democrap’s contenders, running for President, are too afraid of pissing off Soro’s and his ilk, that they won’t even debate on Fox news. If you are that weak, how does that make you a decent candidate for President of this nation?? How can ANYBODY, vote for a President, that is afraid of Fox News?? You want to be President of the United States, while we are at war, and yet your afraid of Fox News?? Please somebody tell me how that makes ANY sense to ANYBODY. On second thought, don’t, it will just raise my blood pressure.

I am sick and tired of how the Democrats on the hill have wasted so much time, not only condemning Rush Limbaugh, but lying about it. They know darn good and well what he said and what he was referring too. None of them had a problem with the ‘Betray us’ ad. And to top it, they didn’t condemn it until they were forced to. So they can save their sanctimonious garbage for someone who is too stupid to know what they are doing and why. I for one, will listen to Rush, MORE because of their trash talk and lies, not less.

Now that I’ve vented for the second time since this series started , there will be a new post on the series tomorrow, and on Monday we will start on some of the bigger topics of the series. In the mean time, enjoy your day, and your weekend. And thanks for your continued support for my rants and musings.   

What Will You Do??

What Will You Do??? magnify

A friend of mine pointed out this article by Fred Voorhees.  Fred is a Liberal and I am a Conservative, so we don’t always agree where politics are concerned.  Unlike some of our elected leaders, I don’t have a problem reading what he has to say and agreeing with some or all of it.  I don’t think that makes me a “bad” conservative.  I think we would all do well to listen more than we talk.  If we do that, we will all have a bit more understanding of the other side.

I am posting here the article by Fred Voorhees.  Though I may not agree with all of it, he makes some valid points.  Buckle up for safety.  

 It is entitled:  Ethnocentric Ignorance,

Although Muslims say their religion is a peaceful one, many Americans are inclined to call bulls#it. How do they expect us to believe they’re all about loving one another when their own behavior seems to indicate otherwise? Slaughtering thousands of Americans on 9/11 was not their lone foray into killing; one can turn on the news any night of the week and catch media glimpses of militant jihadists destroying humanity in the name of allah. Muslims and their god “hate our freedom,” and they react viscerally to their own ignorance instead of trying to figure out what we as Americans stand for. As their violence escalates, even the most open-minded ((I certainly hope he is wrong)) Americans are starting to accept the dominant explanation that almost all Muslims are evil, and that the few “good” ones lack the balls to try to curtail the evildoers. In the name of jesus christ our lord and savior, we need to get the f@$k over there and blow some s#it up.

American eyes can see that the jihadists are brainwashed; and we are taken aback at their inability to recognize America is a peaceful nation, as addicted to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as radical muslims are to death, oppression, and the pursuit of suicidal hate. The USA is a loving nation, formed on the premise that human life is sacred. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all (humans) are created equal. Here in the United States we say we believe in freedom of religion. So when we go to other countries with tanks and bombs it is to defend these freedoms–not to destroy them. Contrary to popular Islamic belief, we are not trying to take over the world and spread Christianity; we just want to restore peace.


Although Americans say our nation is a peaceful one, Muslims are inclined to call bullshit. How do we expect them to believe we’re all about loving one another when our own behavior seems to indicate otherwise? American blowhards like Rush Limbaugh pollute international radio waves with ethnocentric ignorance; our most hateful sound bytes then are translated in propaganda mills, churned out and consumed by the people. Limbaugh’s vomiting up of all the angst associated with his midlife crisis does not speak on behalf of America. But even though Limbaugh’s ignorance is one of the most disgusting examples of American hate; it is also one of the most commonly regurgitated global sound bytes. Words of the far right are translated into Arabic and other languages and have become an international caricature, assumed by many to represent the feelings of average Americans. The message they hear is that “Americans hate allah… Americans are sending their soldiers to enforce christianity.”

Jingoistic words, however vile, cannot alone incite the hate that so many nations now have for America. Many enlightened Muslims were initially skeptical of radical Islamic fears that Americans wanted to mandate jesus in all corners of the globe. But they probably became a bit more convinced when they saw U.S. troops trampling on their holy soil with no regard for their social, cultural, or religious beliefs. As the U.S. sends more troops to invade new locations throughout the Middle East, even the most open-minded Muslims are starting to accept the dominant explanation: almost all Americans are evil, and those who are “good” don’t have the balls to stop the evildoers. In the name of allah, they want to blow us up now.


Forty years after they were first written, Buffalo Springfield’s insights about right and wrong are as relevant as ever: “nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.” It remains a human instinct to consider oneself “right” in any form of retaliation against something that was “wrong.” To Americans who hate Islam, and to Muslims who hate America, I say this: Consider how you feel about your enemies, and think about why you feel that way. Your enemy feels these same things about you and has the same justification for feeling them. Nobody ever self-defines as being evil. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Nobody is saying, “I am hateful” or “I am wrong,” because few are strong enough to see the flaws in their own belief system.

America is snagged on the same trap that cripples our so-called enemies. For all of our differences, there is one fundamental commonality between America and radical Islam: we see the world in terms of hypocritical dichotomies. Just like Osama bin Laden, we see ourselves as loving, good, and right; and we see it as our duty to protect the world from all that is hateful, evil, and wrong.

I want to say several things in regards to this article.  First, I do listen to Rush on occasion, and most of the time I agree with what he says, as far as politics are concerned.  I can’t say that I have heard him say anything about Islam, but I don’t listen to him very often.  I can say this… I have seen Americans go into blogs that are run by radical Islamist.  They go in there and cuss and carry on, they don’t make any argument to try and change the mind of the radicals.  BUT, those comments they do make, are left up for everyone to see.  Why??  Because it confirms their view of Americans or non-Muslims.  They use it for propaganda against America.

In doing some research for my blog, I came across a petition that had been set up in which, Muslims were asked to sign it to denounce terrorism.  When I looked at it, I found various comments made by non-Muslims cussing and belittling the Muslim faith.  What do you think that kind of behavior adds to the conversation??  Do you think that by acting that way you are going to endear yourself to Muslims??  I know that some of you think that ALL Muslims believe in the terrorist ideology, I have already addressed that, and proved it false.  But, if there ARE Muslims who are moderate, if you are WRONG, then doing what some people think is cute, will only cause Muslims to lean towards the radicals, not away.

I had asked a question, of how many Muslims do you think read something like Jihad Watch, which never has anything good to say about Islam.  The answer was, lots.  I will take a leap and say, if that is in fact true, its to point out the fact that nothing good is ever said about Islam on that website.  I have said it a dozen times, my blog is about Radical Islam, but I don’t have one problem pointing out the fact that not all Muslims/Islam, agree with the terrorist ideology.  I make it a point to address that when ever and where ever I see people commenting that they think it is.  I say that, to show that your blog can be about Radical Islam without damning all Muslims.

We were all born with a brain, and if you were lucky, your parents taught you manners.  Use some common sense, use some manners.  If you will do those two things, you will do good.  I have spent a great deal of time proving that not all Muslims think like or agree with the terrorists.  I would ask those that still don’t get it, to at least refrain from spreading your venom.  The only thing you are doing is proving that you are UN-American, you don’t believe in things our country was founded on.

Must we always play politics, like our “esteemed” politicians, that have a hard time listening to anything anybody on the other side has to say??  Do we want to close our minds so much, that we are unable to learn anything new??  Do you want to surround yourself only with people that think just like you??  What good is that??  We have the greatest ability to learn and make a positive impact then any time before.  You have at your fingertips, right now, the means to learn and to teach.  How will you use it??  Will you attempt to educate yourself, or will you close your mind to new things??

To Muslims who are reading this, I want you to know that most Americans DON’T believe that ALL Muslims agree with the terrorists.  Actually a lot of Americans are too self absorbed to even think about it at all.  My biggest concern is Americans that don’t pay enough attention to the threat that radical Islam poses, I feel that way about Muslims as well.  If you as a Muslim, have been abused for no other reason than you are Muslim, please accept my apologies.  There is no excuse for that kind of behavior regardless of who you are. 

Another Muslim perspective

The links below are addition info on this subject that you should read.  The bottom link is the original article.

Memo To Osama Bin Laden

Memo To Osama Bin Laden magnify


I saw this and thought that since we are on the subject, you might be interested in seeing it.  Basicly it is a letter to Bin Lyin, from Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D. This is an American Muslim’s response to the tape recorded message dated 2/11/03 by fugitive terrorist Osama Bin Lyin.  

Mr Bin Laden,

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, the Most Benevolent.

I begin by reciting some important principles of Islam to remind you that there is more to Islam than just a call to arms.

1 Islam was sent as mercy to humanity (Quran 4: 79).  2. Do not make mischief on the earth (Quran 29:36).  3. People, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you might know one another.  The noblest of you before God is the most righteous of you. (49:13)  4. There are among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) upstanding nations that recite the message of God and worship throughout the night, who believe in God, who honor and forbid dishonor and race in good works.  These are the righteous. (3:113-114). 

I am writing this to make it clear that there are Muslims in America and in the world who despise and condemn extremists and have nothing to do with Bin Laden and those like him for whom killing constitutes worship. 

Islam was sent as mercy to humanity and not as an ideology of terror or hatred.  It advocates plurality and moral equality of all faiths (Quran 2:62, 5:69).  To use Islam, as a justification to declare an Armageddon against all non-Muslims is inherently un-Islamic – it is a despicable distortion of a faith of peace.  One of Allah’s 99 names in the Quran is “Al Salam” which means Peace.  Thus in a way Muslims are the only people who actually worship peace.  Today this claim sounds so empty, thanks to people like you, Mr. Bin Laden.  You and those like you are dedicated to killing and bringing misery to people wherever they are.  God blessed you with the capacity to lead and also endowed you with enormous resources.  You could have used your influence in Afgahanistan to develop it, to bring it out of poverty and underdevelopment and show the world what Islam can do for those who believe in it.  You chose to provoke and bring war to a people who had already been devastated by wars.

Yes many innocent people lost their lives in America’s war on Afghanistan and many more might lose their lives in Iraq.  This is indeed regrettable.  But we must never forget as to how the West is divided over this and how nations and people within nations are agonizing in Europe and in America over this decision to go to war in Iraq.  While many Americans and Europeans oppose the war, Muslim nations have already agreed to cooperate in this war.  No Muslim leader has tried to play the role of a statesman on this issue.  It is a tragedy that there is not a single Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter or Nelson Mandela in the entire Muslim world who would stand up and speak for justice!

Before we rush to condemn America we must remember that even today millions of poor and miserable people all across the world are lining up outside US embassies eager to come to America, not just to live here but to become an American.  No Muslim country today, can claim that people of other nations and other faiths see it as a promise of hope, equality, dignity and prosperity. 

Yes, we American Muslims will continue to challenge the Bush administrations’ proposal to wage war against Iraq.  We think a regime change in Washington is as necessary as a regime change in Baghdad, but that is an intramural affair.  Once the war is declared, make no mistake Mr. Saddam Hussein and Mr. Bin Laden, We are with America.  We will fight with America and we will fight for America.  We have a covenant with this nation, we see it as a divine commitment and we will not disobey the Quran (9:4) – we will fulfill our obligations as citizens to the land that opened its doors to us and promised us equality and dignity even though we have a different faith.  I am sure Mr. Bin Laden, you can neither understand nor appreciate this willingness to accept and welcome the other.

Sure at this moment out of anger, frustration and fear, some in America have momentarily forgotten their own values.  I am confident that, God willing, this moment of shock and insecurity will pass and America will once again become the beacon of freedom, tolerance and acceptance that it was before September 11th.  On that day Mr. Bid Laden, you not only killed 3000 innocent Americans, many of whom were also Muslims, but you signed the death warrants of many innocent people who will die in this war on terror and many more who will live but will suffer the consequences, the pain and the misery of war.  Before September 11th, the US was giving aid to Afghanistan and was content to wait for the Iraqi people to free themselves and the rest of the world from their dictator.  On that day you changed the rules of the game and Muslims in many places are suffering as a direct consequence.

When the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his companions fought in the name of Islam, Allah made them victorious and glorified them in this world.  They made Islam the currency of human civilization for over a millennium.  You and your men on the other hand face nothing but defeat, global ridicule and contempt and run and hide like rats in caves and dungeons.  You live in the dark.  Your faith neither enlightens you nor enables you to live in the light and you have made Islam the currency of hate and violence.

Let me tell you that I would rather live in America under Ashcroft and Bush at their worst, than in any “Islamic state” established by ignorant, intolerant and murderous punks like you and Mullah Omar at their best.  The US, Patriot Act not withstanding, is still a more Islamic (just and tolerant) state than Afghanistan ever was under the Taliban.

Remember this:  Muslims from all over the world who wished to live better lives migrated to America and Muslims who only wished to take lives migrated to Afghanistan to join you.

We will not follow the desires of people (like you) who went astray and led many astray from the Straight Path. (Quran 5:77)

I conclude by calling upon you Mr. Bin Laden and your Al Qaeda collegues and Mr. Saddam Hussein to surrender to International Courts and take responsibility for your actions and protect thousands of other innocent Muslims from becoming the victims of the wars you bring upon them.

Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.  Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.
Director of International Studies, Adrian College, MI
Director of Muslim Social Scientists
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy.


Just so there is no misunderstanding. I agreed with President Bush in going into Iraq. Knowing the history of Saddam, and after what had happened on 9/11, we couldn’t take the chance. I do NOT believe that Saddam had any ties to what happened on 9/11. He had plenty of time to cooperate with the UN before we invaded. He even had the chance to leave Iraq. Why he did neither, I will never understand.

Though some people have changed their mind on this subject I have not. As to the US still in Iraq, I don’t think we should leave unless the leaders of Iraq asked us to, and to date, they have not. Whether you think it is right, wrong or indifferent, we stay until Iraqi’s can defend themselves, to leave before that, would cause a bloodbath.

Some of you may disagree with me on this, and that’s OK, I am merely telling you my views on the manner.